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Privacy policy

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Privacy policy  COVID_19

Data Controller

The Data Controller is ALAR SRL with registered office in Via Papa Giovanni Paolo II 10 – 10043 Orbassano (TO), in the person of its legal representative pro tempore.

Interested subjects : Employees, visitors, people who have access to the company premises

Legal foundation

Common personal data are legitimately processed by the Data Controller for the fulfilment of a legal obligation to which the Data Controller is subject, in particular the obligations provided for in Article 2087 of the Italian Civil Code, of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008, as well as the specific obligation to implement the anti-contamination security protocols pursuant to Article 1, no. 7, letter d) of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 11 March 2020, as amended and supplemented, also taking into account the shared protocol for the regulation of measures to combat and limit the spread of the Covid-19 virus in the workplace of 14 March 2020.

Particular personal data ex art. 9 GDPR are lawfully treated as the treatment is necessary both for purposes of preventive or occupational medicine, work capacity, diagnosis, health or social care or therapy (art. 9, par. 2, letter h) and for purposes of public interest in the public health sector (art. 9, par. 2, letter i).

Purpose of the treatment

– prevention of contagion from COVID-19

– protection of people’s health in the company

– collaboration with public authorities and, in particular, health authorities

Collected data

  1. Body temperature detected in real time, without recording or storage, except for the following hypothesis as per the following no. 2;
  2. Identification data and recording of the exceeding of the temperature threshold only when it is necessary to document the reasons that prevented access to the company premises or stay in the same; as well as, in this case, the recording of data relating to temporary insulation, such as the time of exit and the circumstances reported by the person concerned to justify the exit from temporary insulation;
  3. Situations of danger of contagion from Covid-19, including data relating to health status, such as, for example, body temperature/influenza symptoms; origin/non origin from epidemiological risk areas; presence/absence of contacts, in the last 14 days, with subjects tested positive for COVID-19
  4. Health status data regarding the ” negativization” of the Covid-19 swab
  5. Situations of particular fragility and current or past illnesses of employees

Consequences in case of refusal to collect or supply data

In the event of refusal to take temperature measurements or to provide data, access to and permanence in the company premises is prohibited.

Information to clients (individuals and individual firms) 

This information is provided, in accordance with art. 13 GDPR 2016/679- “European Regulation on the protection of personal data”, to the client subjects (natural persons or individual companies) of the Data Controller.

Identity of the Data Controller

The Data Controller is ALAR SRL with registered office in Via Papa Giovanni Paolo II 10 – 10043 Orbassano (TO), in the person of its legal representative pro tempore.

Data source

The personal data processed are those provided by the Data Subject on the occasion of:

– visits or telephone calls;

– direct contacts;

– formulation of proposals and quotations;

– transmissions and transactions subsequent to the order.

Purpose of the treatment

Personal data are processed for the performance of the necessary pre-contractual activities, definition and acceptance of the service that regulates the performance and proper fulfilment of all planned activities. In particular, they are treated for the following purposes:

  1. To process requests for information on products/services, preparation of offers and quotations;
  2. to exchange information aimed at the implementation of the business relationship, including activities pre and post contract;
  3. performance of the activities connected and instrumental to the management of the contractual relationship (performance of the service, reporting of the service, definition of appointments and meetings, execution of orders, delivery of goods);
  4. compliance with accounting, civil and fiscal obligations

Legal foundation of the data processing

The data acquired for the achievement of the purposes indicated are processed lawfully as they are necessary for:

– the performance of a contract to which the Data Subject is a party or the performance of contractual measures taken upon request of the Data Subject (purposes referred to in point 1, 2, 3)

– comply with a legal obligation to which the Data Controller is subject (purpose referred to in point 4).

Data recipients

The personal data processed by the Data Controller is not disseminated, i.e. it is not given to unspecified subjects, in any possible form, including that of making it available or simple consultation. They may, however, be communicated to employees who work for the Data Controller, to external parties who collaborate with the latter appointed as Data Processors or authorised to process as operating under the authority of the Data Controller.

In particular, on the basis of the roles and duties performed, employees have been entitled to process your personal data, within the limits of their competence and in accordance with the instructions given to them by the Data Controller.

They may also be communicated, to the extent strictly necessary, to persons who, for the purpose of processing your requests, must supply goods or perform services on behalf of the Data Controller. Finally, they may be communicated to subjects entitled to access them by means of provisions of law, regulations, EU regulations.

The external subjects operating under the Data Controller’s authority have also been suitably authorised on the basis of type of service provided, the processing carried out, the nature of the data processed.

The external subjects to whom the Data Controller has entrusted the processing of personal data have been appointed as Data Processors.

Data transfer

The Data Controller does not transfer personal data to third countries or to international organisations. It also reserves the right to use cloud services; in this case, the service providers will be selected among those providing adequate guarantees, as provided for by art. 46 GDPR 2016/679.

Data retention

The Data Controller keeps and processes personal data for the time necessary to comply with the purposes indicated. In this case, customer data are kept until the administrative prescription.

Rights of the Data Subject

With reference to Articles 15 – right of access, 16 – right of rectification, 17 – right to cancellation, 18 – right to limitation of processing, 20 – right to portability, 21 – right of opposition, 22 right to object to the automated decision making process of GDPR , the Data Subject shall exercise his rights by writing to the Data Controller of the

processing at the above mentioned address, or by e-mail, specifying the subject of your request, the right which it intends to exercise and attaching a photocopy of an identity document attesting to the legitimacy of the request.

The Data Controller reminds in particular that any interested party may exercise the right of opposition in the forms and in the ways provided for by art. 21 GDPR.


Withdrawal of consent

With reference to Art. 7 of the GDPR, the data subject may revoke any consent given at any time. However, the processing covered by this notice is lawful and permitted, even in the absence of consent, as necessary for the execution of a contract to which the Data Subject is a party (the relationship of supply of products and/or services) and other legal bases indicated above.

Refusal to provide data

The interested party may not refuse to provide the Data Controller with the personal data necessary for civil, accounting and tax purposes connected with the supply or service.

The provision of further personal data, although optional, is however necessary for a correct and efficient management of the contractual relationship. Therefore, any refusal to provide such data may compromise in whole or in part the contractual relationship.

Automated decision-making processes

Under no circumstances, with regards to the processing indicated below, the Data Controller carries out processing that consists of automated decision-making processes on the data of individuals.

Information for suppliers, individuals companies and professionals

This information is provided in accordance with Article 13 GDPR 2016/679 – “European Regulation on the protection of the rights of individuals with regard to the protection of personal data”. personal data”, to individual companies and professional suppliers in any capacity of the Data Controller.

Identity of the Data Controller

The Data Controller is ALAR SRL with registered office in Via Papa Giovanni Paolo II 10 – 10043 Orbassano (TO), in the person of its legal representative pro tempore.

Data source

The personal data processed are those provided by the Data Subject on the event of:

– visits or telephone calls;

– direct contacts;

– formulation of commercial proposals and estimates;

– transmissions and transactions subsequent to the order.

Purpose of the treatment

Personal data are processed for the execution of the necessary pre-contractual activities, drafting and signing of the contract which regulates the supply and the correct performance of all the activities specified in the contract. In particular, they are treated for the following purposes:

  1. exchange miscellaneous information and with different means of communication (telephone, mobile phone, sms, e-mail, fax, post office mail) aimed at the execution of the contractual relationship, including pre and post contract activities;
  2. to formulate requests or process requests and proposals received;
  3. carrying out activities connected and essential to the management of the contractual relationship (managing, checking the correct provision of the service, managing payments, registering invoices, defining appointments and meetings);
  4. complying with accounting, civil and fiscal obligations.

Legal basis for data processing

The data acquired in order to achieve the purposes indicated are processed legitimately as they are necessary:

– the execution of a contract to which the Data Subject is a party or the execution of pre-contractual measures taken upon the request of the Data Subject (purposes referred to in points 1 to 3);

– to comply with a legal obligation to which the Data Controller is subject (purpose 4).

Data recipients

The personal data processed by the Data Controller is not disseminated, i.e. it is not given to unspecified subjects, in any possible form, including that of making it available or simple consultation. They can, instead, be communicated to employees who work under the authority of the Data Controller, to external parties who collaborate with the Data Controller designated as Data Processors or authorised to do so because they operate under the authority of the Data Controller.

They may also be communicated, to the extent strictly necessary, to subjects who, for the purposes of processing your requests, must supply goods or perform services on behalf of the Data Controller. Finally, they may be communicated to subjects entitled to access them by legal provisions, regulations, EU regulations.

In particular, on the basis of the roles and duties performed, employees have been authorised to process your personal data, within the limits of their competence and in accordance with the instructions given to them by the Data Controller.

External parties operating under the authority of the Data Controller have also been duly authorised on the basis of the type of service provided, the processing carried out and the nature of the data processed.

The external subjects to whom the Data Controller has entrusted the processing of personal data have been appointed as Data Processors.

Data transfer

Under no circumstances shall the Data Controller transfer personal data to third countries or international organisations. However, he reserves the right to use cloud services; in this case, the service providers will be selected among those providing adequate guarantees, as provided for by art. 46 GDPR 2016/679.

Data retention

The Data Controller keeps and processes personal data for the time necessary to fulfill the indicated purposes. In this case, the data are kept for ten years following the termination of the supply.

Rights of the Data Subject

With reference to Articles 15 – right of access, 16 – right of rectification, 17 – right to cancellation, 18 – right to limitation of processing, 20 – right to portability, 21 – right of opposition, 22 right to object to the automated decision making process of GDPR , the Data Subject shall exercise his rights by writing to the Data Controller of the processing at the above mentioned address, or by e-mail, specifying the subject of your request, the right which it intends to exercise and attaching a photocopy of an identity document attesting to the legitimacy of the request.

The Data Controller reminds in particular that any interested party may exercise the right of opposition in the forms and in the ways provided for by art. 21 GDPR.

Withdrawal of consent

With reference to Art. 7 of GDPR 2016/679, the Data Subject may revoke any consent given at any time. However, the processing covered by this notice is legitimate and permitted, even in the absence of consent.

Refusal to provide data

Data subjects may not refuse to provide the Data Controller with the personal data necessary to comply with the law or necessary for the performance of contractual obligations. The provision of further personal data may be necessary to improve the quality and efficiency of the supply relationship. Therefore, refusal to provide the data necessary by law will prevent the execution of the contract, while the provision of further data may compromise in whole or in part the management of orders.

Persons who operate in the name and on behalf of suppliers may refuse to provide the Data Controller with their personal data. However, the provision of personal data is necessary for a correct and efficient management of the contractual relationship. Therefore, any refusal to provide such data may compromise in whole or in part the supply relationship.

Proposition of complaint

The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority of the country of residence.

Automated decision-making processes

Under no circumstances, with regard to the processing indicated below, the Data Controller carries out processing that consists of automated decision-making processes on the data of individuals.

Information to natural persons who contact customers and suppliers, legal persons

The management of the contractual relationship with customers and suppliers necessarily involves the processing of personal data (identification, telephone numbers, e-mail) relating to the natural persons with whom you come into contact.

This information is therefore provided, in accordance with art. 13 and 14 GDPR – “European Regulation on the protection of personal data”, to the natural persons who work with customers and suppliers who are legal entities of the Data Controller.

Given the difficulty of sending it directly to Data Subjects, the information is made available to customers and suppliers, with a request to notify  any interested person.

Identity of the Data Controller

The Data Controller is ALAR SRL with registered office in Via Papa Giovanni Paolo II 10 – 10043 Orbassano (TO), in the person of its legal representative pro tempore.

Data source

The personal data processed are those provided by the data subject or third parties (company owners, legal representative, etc.) on the occasion of:

– visits or telephone calls;

– direct contacts;

– receipt/sending offers and quotations;

– transmissions and transactions subsequent to the order.

Purpose of the treatment

The personal data of the contact persons are processed for:

  1. forward communications of various kinds and by various means of communication (telephone, mobile phone, sms, e-mail, fax, paper mail);
  2. formulate requests or process requests and proposals received;
  3. exchange information aimed at the execution of the contractual relationship, including pre and post contractual activities.

Legal foundation of  data processing

The data acquired for the achievement of the purposes indicated are processed legitimately because they are necessary for the execution of a contract to which the data subject is a party (by reason of his employment relationship with the client and supplier of the Data Controller) or for the execution of pre-contractual obligations at the request of the client/supplier. The legal foundation is the need to comply with pre-contractual, contractual and post-contractual obligations.

Data recipients

The personal data processed by the Data Controller is not disseminated, i.e. it is not given to unspecified subjects, in any possible form, including that of making it available or simple consultation. On the other hand, they may be communicated to employees who work for the Data Controller, to external parties who collaborate with the Data Controller designated as Data Processors or authorised to process them as they operate under the authority of the Data Controller.

They may also be communicated, to the extent strictly necessary, to subjects who, for the purposes of processing your requests, must supply goods or perform services on behalf of the Data Controller. Finally, they may be communicated to subjects entitled to access them by virtue of provisions of law, regulations, EU regulations.

In particular, on the basis of the roles and duties performed, employees have been authorised to process your personal data, within the limits of their competence and in accordance with the instructions given to them by the Data Controller.

External parties operating under the authority of the Data Controller have also been appropriately authorised on the basis of type of service provided, the processing carried out, the nature of the data processed.

The external subjects to whom the Data Controller has entrusted the processing of personal data have been appointed as Data Processors.

Data transfer

Under no circumstances shall the Data Controller transfer personal data to third countries or international organisations. However, he reserves the right to use cloud services; in this case, the service providers will be selected among those providing adequate guarantees, as provided for by art. 46 GDPR 2016/679.

Data retention

The Data Controller keeps and processes personal data for the time necessary to fulfil the purposes indicated. In this case, the data of contact persons are kept for two years following the termination of their job or employment relationship with their employer.

Rights of the data subject

With reference to Articles 15 – right of access, 16 – right of rectification, 17 – right to cancellation, 18 – right to limitation of processing, 20 – right to portability, 21 – right of opposition, 22 right to object to the automated decision making process of GDPR , the data subject exercises his rights by writing to the Data Controller of the

processing at the above mentioned address, or by e-mail, specifying the subject of your request, the right which it intends to exercise and attaching a photocopy of an identity document attesting to the legitimacy of the request.

The Data Controller reminds in particular that any interested party may exercise the right of opposition in the forms and in the ways provided for by art. 21 GDPR.

Withdrawal of consent

With reference to Art. 7 of the GDPR, the data subject may revoke any consent given at any time. However, the processing covered by this notice is legitimate and permitted, even in the absence of consent.

Refusal to provide data

The data subject may refuse to provide the Data Controller with his/her personal data.

However, the provision of personal data is necessary for a correct and efficient management of the contractual relationship. Therefore, any refusal to provide the data may compromise in whole or in part the contractual relationship.

Automated decision-making processes

Under no circumstances, with regard to the processing indicated below, the Data Controller carries out processing that consists of automated decision-making processes on the data of individuals.

Information to users who fill out the contact form

This information is given, in accordance with Article 13 of the GDPR, to those who fill out the contact form

present on the Data Controller’s website.

Identity of the Data Controller

The Data Controller is ALAR SRL with registered office in Via Papa Giovanni Paolo II 10 – 10043 Orbassano (TO), in the person of its legal representative pro tempore.

Data source

The personal data processed are spontaneously provided by the person concerned by filling out the form

(form) proposed on the site of the Data Controller.

Purpose of the treatment

Personal data are processed to meet requests made by filling out the online form.

Legal basis for processing

The legal basis for the processing is the expression of consent by means of positive action

unequivocal consisting in the free, unconditional and informed sending of the completed form.

Data recipients

The personal data processed by the Data Controller is not disseminated, i.e. it is not given to unspecified subjects, in any possible form, including that of making it available or simple consultation. On the other hand, they may be communicated to workers who work under the Data Controller’s authority, to external parties who collaborate with the Data Controller designated as Data Processors or authorised to process them as they operate under the authority of the Data Controller.

They may also be communicated, to the extent strictly necessary, to subjects who, for the purposes of processing  your requests should provide goods or perform services on behalf of the Data Controller. Finally, they may be communicated to persons entitled to access them by virtue of provisions of law, regulations, EU regulations.

In particular, on the basis of the roles and duties performed, employees have been entitled to process your personal data, within the limits of their competence and in accordance with the instructions given to them by the Data Controller.

External parties operating under the authority of the Data Controller have also been appropriately authorised on the basis of type of service provided, the processing carried out, the nature of the data processed.

The external subjects to whom the Data Controller has entrusted the processing of personal data have been appointed as Data Processors.

Data transfer

Under no circumstances shall the Data Controller transfer personal data to third countries or international organisations. However, he reserves the right to use cloud services; in this case, the service providers will be selected among those providing adequate guarantees, as required by art. 46 GDPR.

Data retention

The Data Controller keeps and processes personal data for the time necessary to fulfil the purposes indicated. In this case, the data entered in the online forms are kept for a maximum of two years.

Refusal to provide data

The Data Subject may refuse to provide the Data Controller with his/her data.

However, failure to provide the data could compromise or make it impossible the process of the requests.

Rights of the Data Subject

With reference to Articles 15 – right of access, 16 – right of rectification, 17 – right to cancellation, 18 – right to limitation of processing, 20 – right to portability, 21 – right of opposition, 22 right to object to the automated decision making process of GDPR , the Data Subject shall exercise his rights by writing to the Data Controller of the processing at the above mentioned address, or by e-mail, specifying the subject of your request, the right which it intends to exercise and attaching a photocopy of an identity document attesting to the legitimacy of the request.

The Data Controller reminds in particular that any Data Subject can exercise the right of opposition in the forms and in the ways provided for by art. 21 GDPR.

Revocation of consent

With reference to Art. 7 of the GDPR, the Data Subject may revoke any consent given at any time. The revocation of consent will result in the termination of the processing of the data entered in the form.

Proposition of complaint

The Data Subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority of the country of residence.

Automated decision-making processes

Under no circumstances, in relation to the processing indicated below, the Data Controller carries out processing that consists of automated decision-making processes on the data of individuals.

Information to those who spontaneously send their curriculum vitae and to candidates who carry out pre-employment interviews

This information is given to those who spontaneously, or following a personnel search, send their curriculum vitae, pursuant to art. 13 GDPR 2016/679- “European Regulation on the protection of personal data”.

Identity of the Data Controller

The Data Controller is ALAR SRL with registered office in Via Papa Giovanni Paolo II 10 – 10043 Orbassano (TO), in the person of its legal representative pro tempore.

Data source

The personal data processed are those provided on the occasion of:

– sending the curriculum;

– evaluation interviews;

– direct contacts during exhibitions, fairs, exhibitions, etc.;

– reporting by third parties

Purpose of data processing

The personal data of those who spontaneously, or following a search for personnel, send their curriculum vitae are processed for purposes related to the evaluation and selection, or to possibly propose other job offers consistent with the professional profile of the person concerned.

Legal foundation of data processing

The legal foundation is the response to a pre-contractual request of the data subject.

Data storage

The data referred to above will be kept for a period not exceeding thirty months after their receipt.

Data recipients

The personal data processed by the Data Controller is not disseminated, i.e. it is not given to unspecified subjects, in any possible form, including that of making it available or simple consultation. On the other hand, they may be communicated to employees working for the Data Controller, to external parties collaborating with the Data Controller designated as Data Processors or authorised to process them as they operate under the authority of the Data Controller.

They may also be communicated, to the extent strictly necessary, to subjects who, for the purposes of processing your requests, must supply goods or perform services on behalf of the Data Controller. Finally, they may be communicated to subjects entitled to access them by virtue of provisions of law, regulations, EU regulations.

In particular, on the basis  of the roles and duties performed, employees have been authorised to process your personal data, within the limits of their competence and in accordance with the instructions given to them by the Data Controller.

External parties operating under the authority of the Data Controller have also been appropriately authorised on the basis of type of service provided, the processing carried out, the nature of the data processed.

The external subjects to whom the Data Controller has entrusted the processing of personal data have been appointed as Data Processors.

Data transfer

Under no circumstances shall the Data Controller transfer personal data to third countries or international organisations.

However, he reserves the right to use services in the cloud; in this case, the service providers will be selected among

those who provide adequate guarantees, as required by Article 46 GDPR 2016/679.

Data retention

The Data Controller keeps and processes personal data for the time necessary to fulfil the purposes indicated. In this case, the data entered in the online forms are kept for two years.

Rights of the data subject

With reference to Articles 15 – right of access, 16 – right of rectification, 17 – right to cancellation, 18 – right to limitation of processing, 20 – right to portability, 21 – right of opposition, 22 – right to object to the automated decision-making process of GDPR 2016/679, the data subject shall exercise his/her rights by writing to the Data Controller at the above address, or by email, specifying the subject of his/her request, the right he/she intends to exercise and attaching a photocopy of an identity document attesting the legitimacy of the request.

The Data Controller reminds in particular that any interested subject can exercise the right of opposition in the forms and in the forms and in the form of ways provided for by art. 21 GDPR.

Withdrawal of consent

With reference to Art. 7 of GDPR 2016/679, the interested party may revoke any consent given at any time.

However, the processing covered by this notice is legitimate and permitted, even in the absence of consent, as it is aimed at carrying out pre-contractual measures (the evaluation of the application and the selection of candidates) adopted at the implicit request of the data subject.

Proposition of complaint

The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority of the country of residence.

Refusal to provide data

The data subject may refuse to provide the Data Controller with his/her personal data.

The provision of data is in fact optional, but any refusal to provide them in whole or in part may make it impossible for us to evaluate and select the application.

Automated decision-making processes

The Data Controller does not process the data of those who spontaneously, or following a search for personnel, send their curriculum vitae, processing which consists of automated decision-making processes.

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